Thursday, January 21, 2010

let's put the FUN back in dysfunction

i'm the hugest loser around. better yet, i'm a deadbeat parent of a blog child who, at one time, showed promise but now is nothing more than trailer trash with a very small chance of going to college and a very big chance of getting knocked up behind the cup o' noodles vending machine.

i am neglectful, self-centered, preoccupied, and i probably eat a little too much red meat.

but i am here to come clean and tell you that, despite giving you a similar spiel about 17 times before, i am really gonna try this time. i may just pay you random visits when i'm thinking about you, just cuz i wanna see your face and pinch your cheeks, or maybe cuz i got some brownies half-off on account of them being day-old and i wanted to win some (brownie) points by bringing you a gift (and eating half), or maybe i just don't know how to act right and we shouldn't try to overanalyze my behavior.

i come and go as i please. and you let me. that's what makes codepence work! ahh, and it's a beautiful thing. so, as long as you promise to look at me lovingly when i do show up, let's give this another go.

in all honesty, this is my attempt to work up a little momentum before i'm already in a crazy foreign land again and need to build it from the ground up. that's right. in a couple weeks i'll be in chile, in the summer, and you'll be, well, chilly, in the winter. oh, don't gimme that look. jealousy does not become you.

i f'ing love sf. i sf'ing love it. but it's time for an indefinite sabbatical. so let me run free. and if you find yourself daydreaming about crazy shit too, don't call your therapist. it's just the wanderlust, for which there is only one cure: visit me.

ready, aim, FUEGO.