Tuesday, October 20, 2009

proper british tea & eh

yeah, yeah, i know. i have failed you. but i have excuses.

i'm now in the UK. it's cold. i went from the sevilla heatwave to london freeze and it's made me a bit ill. but of course, with my travelling wisdom, i figured i could knock it out with a fair amount of whiskey and beer cuz, you know, that's how they do it here.

turns out i'm wrong about all that and thus i'm still on the mend. i owe some stories from my past adventures (marrakech, sevilla, cadiz, granada, and here) but those will have to wait til i fix my lungs and gather my thoughts and have some more fish n chips, eh? probably not going to give you any of those goodies til i'm back on u.s. soil. or maybe i will hold out entirely and have you schedule a time slot with me to chat about anecdotes and drama from the road so i can keep myself too busy to actually look for any legitimate occupation. to me, this sounds like a divine plan. to you as well? great.

today i will escape the couch to eat some soup and then tonight probably going to a play. tomorrow off to madrid (where i hear the weather has cooled significantly from my experience in august but will still be a warm welcome--pun intended--after londontown). next tuesday i will be touching down in socal and am dreading the culture shock and realization that my seemingly endless adventure has come to a harsh end.

see ya soon, americanos.

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