Thursday, February 18, 2010

on the mend in mendo

so, onda azul (the storied israeli farm), amidst all of its charm and chill, managed to poison me with some kind of vicious stomach virus upon my departure yesterday which surely made for a lovely 16 hour bus journey north.

i arrived early this morning in mendoza and now seem to be able to consume bits of bread so i take that as a genius sign that i may be eating meats and cheeses in the foreseeable future. my hostel is small and pretty quiet but its charm is growing on me. that said, i have opted to move tomorrow to a more lively spot nearby which seems better suited for the solo traveller and has a nice outdoor patio, etc.

at first walk/glance, mendoza seems quite nice. reminds me a bit of spain, but maybe that is an ignorant (or obvious?) assessment. nevertheless, i strolled through a few nice plazas and snapped some photos. its sticky and hot here, but knowing that it's winter in the northern hemisphere makes me appreciate the warmth (tho via facebook i have come to learn that today feels like summer in cali anyway).

one thing i will say about this place is that the drivers WILL run you over if youre in their way. so, best of luck to me on that front. perhaps tomorrow my stomach will be ready for some wine-touring and adventuring. also considering some cabalgatas (horseback riding) but we'll see what opportunities present themselves. knowing me i might just end up walking in circles for hours and eating in between.

keep it real stateside, friends.


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