Monday, August 24, 2009

this should buy us some time

ok, ok. neil is giving me endless amounts of mierda for not posting today so i am throwing this out there to appease him and likewise tell my loyal readership--all 1.75 of you--that i intend to be back but have been distracted by other things such as canned mussels, 2.99E clothing sales, and bailey's on ice (a beverage that i never anticipated developing such a fondness for after having grown so old & comfortable with good ol' jameson rocks).

it's still hot as pelotas here (can i get away with being profane if it's not in english? yes. i did. and i will.) and it's 3:00 am so i am going to call it a night and try to sleep but will throw a more substantial blog your way at my earliest convenience. and you know why? because you mean the world to me. even though i hate your haircut and you smell like durian, i still dig you. what can i say? darling, you send me.

and before i forget, the last purpose of this post is to tell sisco that he is invited to come over for dinner tomorrow. neil & chrissy would like to test whether or not this method of communication (read: pure chance aka a shot in the dark aka a carrier pigeon--that can't fly) is superior to all others we have available. i will let the rest of you know whether this is effective or not because you will be dying--dying--to know. i can just feel it. MAGIC.


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