Wednesday, June 10, 2009

the (writer's) block is hot

i'm not gonna lie to you, trusty blogosphere populous. it aint always so easy to piece together letters --> words --> sentences on cue. if i'm gonna do this right, then i have to somehow trick the laws of physics into letting me borrow some of that sexy momentum i keep hearing about. i need to develop a pattern, find ways to always formulate commentary (no matter how unwarranted it may seem) and hit my blogging stride. none of this "writer's block" garbaaaahhhge. excuses are just a way for people to enable their own inadequacy. or a way for people to get out of a blind date before the meal comes.

that said, i have been struggling with how to formulate the next word stew and decided that i would stop at nothing to get the flow in check. since i used to blog many years ago and didn't seem to get tripped up on any sort of consistency issues, i went and dug up a few old classics that i figured could be remastered to once again see the light of day in their shiny new v2.0 state. these snippets that i may share in the coming days are courtesy of my trusty blog archive from the myspace days of yore when i had seemingly endless chaotic words coming out of my ears, mouth, mind, and a lifestyle that allowed for such words to be converted from mental mush to 1's and 0's and emblazoned on the expansively woven interweb, appearing on a few monitors of some of the 'spacers to which i was connected, perhaps my top 8 and some change. but this was circa 2004-05, and, by virtue of moore's law and various other geeked out data points around social media trending and technological advancements, it can be understood that the playing field for such activities has transformed exponentially. what was pee-wee leagues is now the majors (and it is somewhat mind blowing to imagine how much further it'll go in our lifetimes alone, but i digress.)

so this brings us to now. and i am by no means a front-runner in the game, knowing the ins and outs of the netscape, on top of every trend before it pops and an early adopter of the latest gadget, widget, app, crap. but i am at the very least on it enough to know that with facebook, twitter, and a much more complex and flavorful blogland, it is time to take the weakling of a journalistic inspiration and set it to run free in the wild wild world wide web. the bonus is, along with the advancement of the mediums, comes the advancement of the scribe. the 4+ years that have elapsed since my first foray into rants and rambles have included a myriad of deliciously unique and awkward scenarios that will no doubt fuel a great deal of the trash i throw out for you to rifle through, hoping you find at least some of it to be treasure. just please not the cauliflower casserole or the old socks. i mean, don't be disgusting. have some class for god's sake.

so now that i have talked up my past prose and poetry beyond any possible reader satisfaction, i have opted to save those bits of verbiage for another time when perhaps i can sneak them in without you knowing the time of their inception. i had planned to introduce those dated pieces in hopes that reading my retro words would awaken my inner rambling badass and soon form avalanches of greatness so intense that they'd propel me into the corner of some shanty in no man's land with nothing but a rusty typewriter and a dreeeeeaaam. and a really good bottle of scotch. point is (as i'm sure i've lost you long ago), the reason for this post was a selfish one--i am freeing my mind in hopes that the rest will follow (en vogue, anyone?) but the next one will be for you, all you. but the irony, as i have just noticed, is that once i start writing about the inability to write, i can't contain it. it is like a river flowing without a dam. a river made of melty cheez. mmm, mmm, cheez.

and with that, the problem has been solved.





  1. i so have envouge stuck in my head now...

  2. since when do you drink scotch? don't worry that's not all i took away from this whimsical, rambling post ;)

  3. "gadget, widget, app, crap."

    flowin' like the Nile!
