Monday, December 27, 2010

delsheeZOO: day one

i arrived at the house today around noon. the dogs, of course, went nuts. because that's just the kind of confidence booster i need.

it took about 10 minutes to get them to chill out enough for me to put leashes on, though the big one, cassie, clawed at me a bit and tried to take my face off. we went for a brief walk in the hood, with cassie pretty vigorously pulling my bodyweight towards the ground and the little dude, mickey, chewing the purple leash so ferociously that you would've thought you were watching a chocolate cake get attacked by a woman raging with PMS.

cassie opted not to do her business during the walk so there is pretty much a guaranteed numero dos this evening, to which i very much look forward. if it doesn't happen tonight, i will consider roofying her water bowl with some ex-lax.

easy, i said consider.

i checked on kermit (his actual name i'm unaware of) and he seems to be chillin and very much alive. there are, as i anticipated, no crickets in the tubes at this time. i will await nightfall while i hope and pray, but tonight i may have to reach in and pick those jiminy crickets up with my ruthless and agile fingers.

crab #1--the hibernator--is in his cave. nothing to report there.

crabs #2 & #3 i picked up to look at--one kind of reached his legs (claws?) out and the other was in the middle of napping i guess, as hermits tend to do. when i went to reach for the spray bottle to perk the guys up with some DELICIOUS PURIFIED MOUNTAIN SPRING WATER i noticed that the spray bottle is not where it was supposed to be. i combed the whole house, twice, and didn't find it. this may be an issue.

the cats are just getting into their cat shenanigans, acting like celebutantes not wanting to pose for photos, and seem to have eaten most of their breakfast serving of câté. i expect one of them will be sleeping with me tonight. not because i invited him, but because he will be drunk and lonely. and i just can't say no.

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