Wednesday, December 29, 2010

delsheeZOO: day three

no pictures today because, well....because. you will have to deal.

here's the latest:

the DOGS:

putting the leashes on to take them out for walks is no small feat. cassie (big) stands up and tries to go all muhammed ali on me. mickey (little) has some kind of mental disorder, i'm pretty sure. i put the leash on him and he tries to run around it and chew at it so that it chokes him. i try to straighten it out but he doesn't help me, flailing around like he's having a seizure.

it's really as fun as it sounds.

the good news is that the poop is happening daily. hallelujah.

this morning i awoke to rain (as well as mickey crawling on my face) and realized i'm ill-equipped for this scenario. do dogs like to be walked in the rain? if they don't, do i take them anyway? if i don't take them anyway, do they poop in the house? if they poop in the woods and no one is around to hear it, does it make a sound? sorry, i'm being gross. thin line.

so i took them out in the rain and they both did their biz. then en route back to the house a dump truck was collecting garbage and cassie went nuts. she started charging towards the truck and its mechanical growling sound and nearly pulled my tired body to the ground, and the layer of water covering the sidewalk was no help. i thought this was surely going to be my embarrassing demise--a private, early-morning performance for the trash man--but i mustered all the residual strength from within my formerly bulging biceps and balanced out cassie's weight in our very special (wo)man vs. wild tug-of-war game.

last night, mickey and i bonded a bit while watching a movie, "the company men". he laid in my lap and kept me warm--i think he, too, could relate to the challenges of a down economy.

the CATS:

these guys are pretty chillaxed. they sleep in the bedroom with me. they don't bug. the worst thing about them is the godforsaken litter box that stinks up the bathroom. and one of the kitty cats decided it would be cute to kick a bunch of litter onto the floor in a fit of boredom, so that made it a little more exciting for me. hadn't had an opportunity to use a dustpan for a bit, so, thanks for that, guys.

the FROG:

so far, the crickets have cooperated in crawling up the tunnel as they're supposed to. i tap the tube and they drop into the tank. but i have seen a couple dead ones floating around in the water and am slightly concerned that kermit is not eating his recommended daily allowance. does he have an eating disorder? was i supposed to unleash the crickets onto a dry surface so he had more time to get to them and sink his teeth in? does he have teeth? is he waiting for the hot sauce? WHAT AM I DOING WRONG?!?!?!?!

tonight there will be another round of operation cricket drop and i'll reassess kermit's dietary habits.

the CRABS:

after combing the house high and low, the spray bottle was nowhere to be found. was this a test on the part of the house owners to see how i would react in the face of adversity and improvise? if so, well played. but that's also pretty annoying. i went out and bought a new spray bottle. give me a harder one next time! (that's what she said.)

each morning, i pick up the hermits and give 'em a wicked 1-2 spray in the FACE. they poke out a little and say "good morning" to me in french, because that is their native tongue. their food situation is pretty boring--status quo. just a seashell piled up with dry goods. i make sure it's full and they make sure i keep my job.

so there you have it. all eight still seem to be alive. probably eating. occasionally pooping. i will try to get you some more photos but right now i have other priorities, such as investigating the cricket situation and strengthening my arm muscles.

au revoir.

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